The Different Parts of a Golf Course

The Different Parts of a Golf Course

If you’re going to be spending plenty of time on the course in places like the Bighorn Golf Club, you should at least know the different parts of a golf course.

18 Holes

An 18-hole golf course has 18 playing areas and each area ends with a cup. You must navigate a series of grassy stretches to get to each one. These playing areas comprise the holes of a golf course. Essentially, the word “hole,” doesn’t just refer to the termination of each area but its full stretch from start to end.

The Tee

You set your golf ball on a tee before you take your first shot. The teeing ground or box (this holds multiple teeing grounds) is where you do this. Each hole has several teeing grounds in order to accommodate all kinds of players.

Some golf courses place a starter’s station close to the first tee. You will need to check in at this shack before you start a round and wait for the attendant to let you know when it’s your turn.

The Fairway

This is basically the path that leads you from the teeing box to the end point of the hole, which is the putting green. The grass in the fairway is well maintained and short so if on your first shot you hit the golf ball onto the fairway you can most likely make it to the green on your next one.

The Rough

If the course has short grass, it’s much easier to hit the ball. But with roughs, it’s a different thing entirely. These areas are right alongside the fairways where the grass is much longer. If your ball gets to the rough it can be a bit of a challenge to get it back out.

The Hazards

The hazards like bunkers are designed to add even more challenge to your game. Bunkers are depressions filled with sand. It may also be surrounded with trees, small walls and plants. Getting out of a hazard is difficult and he sandy surface makes it extra tricky.

The Green

The last section of a hole is the putting green and may extend to 6,000 square feet or so. The green has trimmed grass but it also has curves and slopes for added challenge. Players try to analyze the putting green so they can figure out how to increase their chance of getting the ball into the hole.

The Hole

Each game is basically all about getting your golf ball into the cup on the green. Once you achieve this then you proceed to the next hole. Ideally, you’ll take only the prescribed number of shots to get your ball into the hole but this is easier said than done of course.

Golf courses often adjust the hole position, so even if you played yesterday, your aim may have to be adjusted today. The holes are marked with flags, so be on the lookout for these.

To excel at golf, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the various features of the golf course. The more you understand it, the more likely your shots will improve.

Learn About the Different Parts of a Golf Course

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