Iconic Foods at Famous Golf Courses

Iconic Foods at Famous Golf Courses

When you check out any list of famous golf courses, often you’ll find that they have one thing in common. There’s always this signature hole where the play is often memorable.

But not all of the famous golf courses have a food item that’s just as famous. But there are several golf courses out there where there’s at least 1 iconic food item that’s legendary among the players.

Check out these memorable food items that are famously associated with their notable golf courses:

Crunchy Cream Pie at the Firestone Country Club in Akron, Ohio

About 50 years ago, the resident baker at Firestone Country Club was Victor Pallotta. Pallotta was famed for his eclairs, but he always just ended up with extra custard. So, he usually tried out lots of different ways to make use of all these leftovers. And from those experiments came the custard pie which Pallotta topped with crushed peanuts and coconut flakes.

It was simply one of those food items that when it was introduced to the club members, it became an instant hit. It was just vanilla custard topped with a layer of fresh whipped cream and the crunchy mixture. But it was just yummy.

After that, Pallotta just ended up making a lot of these crunchy cream pies, and it’s been a favorite here ever since. Legend has it that Jack Nicklaus once sent his private jet to Akron to pick up 30 of these pies for a special dinner he was hosting at his own club in Muirfield Village.

Burgerdog at the Olympic Club in San Francisco, California

This famous creation came out way back in 1950. It was the brainchild of the couple Bill and Billie Parrish, who were joint owners of a mobile hamburger trailer in the city called Hot Dog Bills. Their Burgerdog featured a long rectangular beef patty which they made from a blend of ground chuck. They then topped that with fresh condiments and then served the whole thing on a toasted hot dog bun.

This Burgerdog came up from necessity, actually. The shape of the patty took up less space on the grill, and the patty fit in nicely with their hot dog buns. It was just convenient to make.

The husband-and-wife team started parking their trailer directly across the Lake Course of The Olympic Club, and it didn’t take long for caddies to just walk across the street to get the couple’s sandwiches. The Burgerdog was a particular favorite among the golf players, so the club allowed Hot Dog Bills a permanent slot on their property.

Snapper Soup at Pine Valley in New Jersey

The golf course is old, as it’s been around since 1918. And some say that this snapper soup has been on the club’s dining menu since that time. It’s made from turtle, actually, and not from fish.

This soup is meaty, and it’s thicker than a bisque. It’s best with a few dashes of sherry, as the sherry gives the soup a better finish. This is the appetizer you need when you’re at Pine Valley!

All Access With Hally Leadbetter: Making the Classic Olympic Burger Dog

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