19 Golf Essentials You Should Have in Your Bag

19 Golf Essentials You Should Have in Your Bag

Golf, just like any sport, requires certain skills and the right equipment. Preparation is key if you’re planning to play a round of golf with friends on a weekend afternoon at Adios Golf Club.

Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced golfer, having these essentials will not only help you do well in your game but also allow you to have more fun on the green.

1. Extra Golf Balls

You can (and probably will) run out of golf balls while playing. Be sure to have at least a couple of golf ball sets in your bag just in case.

2. Ice Pack

An instant ice pack provides immediate relief in case you need to cool off on a hot afternoon or if you accidentally hit your leg or arm with your club.

3. Nail Clippers

Just in case you forget to trim your nails before heading out, having extra clippers in your bag will ensure you avoid scratches while playing.

4. Sunscreen

Sun protection is crucial while you’re out in the golf course. You don’t want to end up with skin damage especially if you play regularly. Keep at least one bottle of sunscreen and make sure to reapply every 2-3 hours.

5. Waterproof Jacket

Unless you’re going to play in the summer, it’s always a good idea to keep a waterproof jacket in your bag just in case it rains.

6. Umbrella

Every golfer should have an umbrella in his bag not only to protect against the rain but also against harmful UV rays. Go for a foldable umbrella so it’s not bulky.

7. Band-Aids

You should have at least a few packs of band-aids in your bag in case you cut yourself on the green or even in the range.

8. Insect Repellant

Insects are not only annoying but they can cause pain and infection. Using insect repellant spray or cream will protect you from them.

9. Two Clean Towels

Use one towel for your face and hands, and another to clean your clubs.

10. Tees

Make sure you have a handful of tees in your bag.

11. Adhesive Tape

You can use this tape around your fingers if they get sore or for anything that needs a quick fix.

12. Sharpie

You can easily mark your golf balls by putting your name on them using a Sharpie. Or basically any custom drawing or doodle you want to let you (and others) know it’s yours.

13. Extra Socks

If your feet get sweaty or your socks get soaked in the rain, having an extra pair will definitely come in handy.

14. Extra Glove

If your hand gets sweaty or wet from the rain, having an extra one will keep you comfy.

15. Divot Repair Tool

Golfers should be able to fix their own divot so having a repair tool will definitely help.

16. Lip Balm

Staying out in the sun all day can lead to dry, cracked lips. Having a good quality lip balm can prevent this.

17. Snacks

You can pack some energy bars or granola bars to keep your energy up while playing.

18. Pouch

Having a pouch in your bag will enable you to store anything from extra balls to tees.

19. Scorecard and Pencil

Keep track of your score with a scorecard and pencil.

Golfing is a game of precision and focus, and being prepared is a must. Be sure to have these 19 essential items in your golf bag before your game.

Here’s a tutorial on how to mark your golf scorecard:

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